Understanding the needs of society, as opposed to showcasing feats of technology, is pivotal to the long-term success of the robotics industry. While hundreds of millions...
Scott Foster continues to provide us with detailed views of Asian technology and business strategic moves that are often not carried by Western - or any - media sources.
In part two of our FiRe conference review, we continue the session synopses, including documentaries that change the world, the future of work for humans and machines,...
In this week's issue, we're sharing a transcript of perhaps the most thoughtful conversation on AI I have yet to read (or hear). The combination of world-famous sci-fi...
Trend reports provide an academic outlook on emerging technologies. This report discusses four trends facing the CIO in 2018 and their impact on business enablers.
Read this section of the 2018 CIO Trend Report to understand new applications in the blockchain space and their impact on business outcomes.
Read this section of the 2018 CIO Trend Report to understand the state and impact of digital twin technology.
Read this section of the 2018 CIO Trend Report to understand the state and impact of robotics.
Read this section of the 2018 CIO Trend Report to understand the state and impact of user-facing AI.
Read this Executive Brief to uncover the upcoming technology trends affecting the CIO landscape in 2018 and beyond.