Tagged - stakeholder approval

Disruptive Technology Exploitation Plan Template

This template will help you record the output of the activities undertaken during the first two phases of the storyboard, Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology.

Design an Enterprise Architecture Strategy

There has been an increased emphasis on short-term decision making and agility by organizations. As a result, organizations now need a strategic planning function to make...
  • guided implementation icon

EA Function Strategy Template

Use this template to document the outputs of the blueprint and as a communication tool to secure the approval of the EA strategy from organizational stakeholders.

EA Value Proposition Template

Use this template to communicate the value EA can provide to the organization by alleviating pains that prevent stakeholders from addressing their needs.

EA Goals and Objectives Template

Use this template to identify the EA goals that support the identified promises of value from the EA value proposition. Further, use the objectives to track the...

EA Principles Template – EA Strategy

Use this template to identify the universal EA principles relevant to your organization, create new EA principles, and refine their rationale and implications.

EA Service Planning Tool

Use this template to identify the EA services relevant to your organization and the define how those services will be accessed.

Master the Art of Stakeholder Management in Small Enterprise Environments

Stakeholder management is something everyone does, but unfortunately few people actually do well. Taking the time to properly identify critical stakeholders and...

Master the Art of Stakeholder Management in Small Enterprise Environments Storyboard

Stakeholder management is not a one-off project and is always relevant to your department.

Master the Art of Stakeholder Management in a Small Enterprise Environment

Stakeholder management is a critical aspect of business success. Adopt stakeholder management techniques in your day-to-day routine to build better relationships.
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