Tagged - third-PP

MSSP RFP Template

This template is designed to introduce consistency and outline key requirements during the request for proposal (RFP) phase of selecting an MSSP.

Select a Security Outsourcing Partner – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you determine what responsibilities you can outsource to a service partner, refine the list of role-based requirements, and adopt a program to...

Checklist for Third-Party Providers

Ensure you are getting the level of service you expect.

Security Operations Policy for Third-Party Outsourcing

Ensure secure operations of information processing with regards to implementation of an external third party.

Third-Party Security Policy Charter Template

Make sure you that your desire to outsource matches your organization's security mandate.

Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing

A lack of time and resources prevent many CISOs and organizations from being able to enable security services and deliver them internally. In addition, there is not...
  • guided implementation icon

Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the costs involved in outsourcing as well as the many benefits.

Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing – Phases 1-3

Use this blueprint to avoid common pitfalls organizations make when they decide to outsource.

Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing – Phase 1: What to Outsource

This phase of the blueprint, Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing,will help you identify different responsibilities and functions in your organization and...

Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing – Phase 2: How to Outsource

This phase of the blueprint, Manage Third-Party Service Security Outsourcing, will help you figure out how you should evaluate third-party service providers.
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