Value & Performance - Tools

Info-Tech IT Dashboards Workbook

Use this tool along with the Establish High-Value IT Performance Metrics blueprint and Info-Tech's IT Dashboards to customize your own dashboards, deliver a compelling...

Communications Planner Tool

Use this tool to plan your communications, view your deliverables, and compose your pitch all in one document.

Role Expectations Worksheet

This worksheet template is used to outline what the BRM practice will do and associate the expectations and tasks with the roles throughout your organization. Use this to...

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...

IT Metrics Library

Use this tool to review commonly used KPIs for each practice area, select the KPIs you will use in the IT Management Dashboard, and keep track of action items that result...

Lean Management Scoping Tool

Tool will help you scope out good candidate teams.

Time Audit Workbook

Use this tool to document the results of your current state assessment and time audit survey.

Portfolio Manager Lite 2017

Use this workbook as a model for your homegrown resource management solution, which can also serve as a PPM solution. This is a lightweight version of Info-Tech's...

Resource Management Supply-Demand Calculator

This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute project work relative to the organization's overall demand, both project and non-project.

PPM Strategy Development Tool

This tool will help you assess your current and target PPM capability levels, explore tool options, and analyze costs and benefits.
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