Tagged - VMO

Vendor Management Research Center Capstone

Vendor management advisory services provide extensive coverage on how to start and mature your vendor management initiative; best practices in contract, SOW, SLA,...

Hitchhiker's Guide to Vendor Management

Take a short journey through the galaxy of vendor management to learn how you can quickly advance improved vendor management in your organization with limited time and...

Vendor Management Executive Governance

Use this research to report the accomplishments of the Vendor Management Initiative to executives and stakeholders.

Essentials of Vendor Management for Small Business

The purpose of the blueprint is to provide small/medium businesses (SMB) with the basic vendor management necessities to maximize their IT vendor investment. SMBs...

Phase 2 Small Business Risk Assessment Tool

This tool provides a basic framework to identify, measure, monitor, and report the risk associated with your important vendors.

Phase 2 Small Business Tools and Templates Compendium

This compendium contains nine essential tools and templates to help you build and run your vendor management initiative.

Phase 2 Small Business Vendor Classification Tool

This tool helps you objectively determine which vendors are the most important vendors to your organization, from a vendor management perspective.

Essentials of Vendor Management for Small Business – Phase 4: Review

This phase helps you keep your vendor management initiative up to date and in alignment with the rest of the organization.

Essentials of Vendor Management for Small Business – Phase 3: Run

This phase focuses on running the vendor management initiative.

Essentials of Vendor Management for Small Business – Phase 1: Plan

This phase helps you get organized and create the foundation for your vendor management initiative.
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